programme détaillé des mini-colloques > PMQ32 Gaz quantiques et matière condensée

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PMQ32 Gaz quantiques et matière condensée


Organisateurs : Félix Werner (LKB, Paris), Mathias Albert (InPhyNi, Nice), David Clément (L Charles Fabry, Palaiseau)
Jeudi 26 août matin    
08h45-09h15 (EI) Guillaume Salomon Quantum gas microscopy of strongly correlated fermions
09h15-09h30 (EC) Arnaud Bigué Perturbative calculation of the energy of an impurity immersed in a Fermi superfluid
09h30-09h45 (EC) Gabriele Spada High-order expansion around BCS theory: Superfluid phase of the attractive Hubbard model
09h45-10h00 (EC) Lorenzo Gotta Two-fluid coexistence in a spinless fermions chain with pair hopping
10h00-10h15 (EC) Olivier Gauthé Diagramme de phase du modèle de Heisenberg J1-J2 à température finie
Jeudi 26 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Thomas Bourdel Beyond-mean field effects in Rabi-coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
15h30-15h45 (EC) Gaétan Hercé Observation of pairs of atoms at opposite momenta in the quantum depletion of an interacting Bose gas
15h45-16h00 (EC) Bertrand Evrard From many-body oscillations to thermalization in an isolated spinor gas
16h00-16h15 (EC) Tanish Satoor Partitioning dysprosium’s electronic spin to reveal entanglement in non-classical states
16h15-16h30 discussion    
Vendredi 27 août matin    
08h45-09h00 (EC) Juliette Billy Contrôle quantique de l’état d’un condensat de Bose-Einstein dans un réseau optique
09h00-09h15 (EC) Laurent Longchambon Supersonic rotation of a superfluid : a long-lived dynamical ring
09h15-09h30 (EC) Giovanni Pecci Probing the BCS-BEC crossover with persistent currents
09h30-09h45 (EC) Hadrien Kurkjian Dynamics of quenched unitary Bose gases
09h45-10h00 (EC) Lorenzo Rosso One-dimensional spin-1/2 fermionic gases with two-body losses: weak dissipation and spin conservation
10h00-10h15 (EC) Axel Molle Can Quantum Gases Conclude the Search for an Electron Pseudotransfer over Distance?
Vendredi 27 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Sylvain Capponi Topological phases in 1d and 2d SU(N) models
15h30-15h45 (EC) Thomas Chalopin Realization of the symmetry-protected Haldane phase in Fermi-Hubbard ladders
15h45-16h00 (EC) Aurélien Fabre Experimental realisation of topological pumping in a synthetic Hall cylinder
16h00-16h15 (EC) Julian Legendre Spin-orbit coupling in the kagome lattice with flux and time-reversal symmetry
16h15-16h30 discussion    



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