programme détaillé des mini-colloques > PMQ29 Optomechanics and Electromechanics: Physics and Applications

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PMQ29 Optomechanics and Electromechanics: Physics and Applications


Organisateurs : Pierre-François Cohadon (LKB), Daniel Lanzillotti‐Kimura (C2N), Pierre Verlot (Nottingham)
Mardi 24 août  après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Aude Martin Nanoscale optomechanical resonators for microwave applications
15h30-15h45 (EC) Gernot Gruber Interrelation of elasticity and thermal bath in nanotube cantilevers
15h45-16h00 (EC) Samanta Sbarra Ultra-high frequency optomechanical resonators sensing submicron liquid droplets
16h00-16h15 (EC) Priya Priya Topological opto-phononic interface modes by simultaneous band inversion
16h15-16h30 (EC) Michaël Croquette Optomechanics with Squeezed Light
Mercredi 25 août  après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Gabriel Hétet Spin-mechanics with trapped diamonds
15h30-15h45 (EC) Juliette Monsel Optomechanical cooling with coherent and squeezed light: the thermodynamic cost of opening the heat valve
15h45-16h00 (EC) Thomas Antoni Plasmonic magnification of optomechanical coupling
16h00-16h15 (EC) Ferhat Loubar Optomechanical sensors for noise and quantum thermometry
16h15-16h30 (EC) Edson Cardozo Phonon localization in 1D quasi-periodic structures
Jeudi 26 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Jean-Charles Beugnot New classes of Brillouin scattering in silica nanofibers
15h30-15h45 (EC) Anne Rodriguez Brillouin spectroscopy in optophononic micropillars in the 18-350 GHz range
15h45-16h00 (EC) Clément Chardin Nano-electromechanical sensing with focused electron beams for measuring local dynamical properties of a nano-cantilever
16h00-16h15 (EC) Philippe Heringlake Synthetic force fields in 2D nanomechanics based on realtime active feedback
16h15-16h30 (EC) Gladys Jara-Schulz Coherent Perfect Absorption in coupled Nano-Opto-ElectroMechanical Systems
Vendredi 27 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Jean-Philippe Poizat Inducing micromechanical motion by optical excitation of a single quantum dot
15h30-15h45 (EC) Samuel Deléglise Hybrid superconducting-mechanical circuits with phononically-engineered silicon-nitride membranes
15h45-16h00 (EC) Roger T. Queralt Towards a mechanical qubit in a double quantum dot in quantum nanotubes
16h00-16h15 (EC) Martin Esmann Efficient generation of coherent acoustic phonons with fiber-integrated microcavities
16h15-16h30 (EC) Alok Pokharel Investigation of mechanical modes coupling in silicon nitride drum resonators at room temperature
  Anne Rodriguez Angular filtering for Brillouin spectroscopy in the 20-300 GHz range
  Baldo Luis Najera Santos Strong electromechanical coupling between a heavy fluxonium qubit and a phononic-crystal membrane resonator



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