programme détaillé des mini-colloques > MCPG10 Nouveaux défis pour la gravité analogue ? Une passerelle entre Matière Condensée et Relativité Générale

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MCPG10 Nouveaux défis pour la gravité analogue ? Une passerelle entre Matière Condensée et Relativité Générale


Organisateurs : Mathieu Isoard ('Université de Freiburg), Maxime Jacquet (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université), Theo Torres (Nottingham)
Mardi 24 août après-midi      
15h00-15h30 (EI) Antonin Coutant New aspects of Hawking radiation in analogue gravity
15h30-15h45 (EC) Germain Rousseaux Non-linear Processes and Stimulated Hawking Radiation in Hydrodynamics for Decelerating Sub-critical Flows
15h45-16h00 (EC) Scott Robertson Undulation–induced checkerboards in the 2-point function of 1D water flow
16h00-16h15 (EC) Malo Joly Momentum correlations in exciton-polaritons for analogue gravity
16h15-16h30 (EC) Justin Wilson Classical black hole back-reaction in nonlinear optic
Mercredi 25 août après-midi      
15h00-15h15 (EC) Caio Ribeiro Quantum depletion in quasi-1D sonic black hole analogues
15h15-15h30 (EC) Olivier Giraud Bipartite and tripartite entanglement in a Bose-Einstein acoustic black hole
15h30-16h00 (EI) Grace Field Putting theory in its place: the relationship between universality arguments and empirical constraints
16h00-16h15 (EC) Ivan Agullo Quantum aspects of Stimulated Hawking radiation in an analog Optical White-Black hole pair.
16h15-16h30 (EC) Sam Patrick Blocking superradiance with sub-luminal dispersion
Jeudi 26 août après-midi      
15h00-15h30 (EI) Christopher Westbrook Simulation of the early universe in a Bose-Einstein condensate: recent progress.
15h30-15h45 (EC) Swarnav Banik Observation of an analogue to the Cosmic Hubble Friction in a Bose Einstein Condensate
15h45-16h00 (EC) Tom Bienaimé Analogue cosmological particle creation in an ultracold quantum fluid of light
16h00-16h15 (EC) Amaury Micheli Decoherence in analogue preheating experiment
16h15-16h30 (EC) Sacha Lang Quantum vacuum physics in dielectric media with dispersion and dissipation
Vendredi 27 août après-midi      
15h00-15h30 (EI) Ulf Leonhardt Van der Waals anomaly: an analogue of dark energy with ultracold atoms
15h30-15h45 (EC) Cisco Gooding What happens when a rotating observer detects an analogue Unruh particle?
15h45-16h00 (EC) Dmitry Solnyshkov Analog time machine in a photonic system
16h00-16h15 (EC) David Bermudez Optical analog of the Schwarzschild-Planck metric








  Maria-Chiara Braidotti Measurement of Penrose Superradiance in nonlinear optics
  Radivoje Prizia Experimental observation of violent relaxation in a nonlinear optical system



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