programme détaillé des mini-colloques > MMPS21 Electronic and magnetic properties of correlated materials with strong spin-orbit coupling

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MMPS21 Electronic and magnetic properties of correlated materials with strong spin-orbit coupling


Organisateurs : Benjamin Lenz (IMPMC Paris), Cyril Martins (LCPQ, Toulouse)
Mardi 24 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Andrej Pustogow Tipping point of triplet pairing: Evidence for even parity unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
15h30-15h45 (EC) Jean-Côme Philippe Orbital dichotomy of the Fermi liquid properties of Sr2RuO4 revealed by Raman spectroscopy
15h45-16h00 (EC) Edwin Kermarrec Multipolar and Néel magnetic orders induced by strong spin-orbit coupling in 5d frustrated cubic double perovskites
16h00-16h15 (EC) Max Bramberger BaOsO3: A Hund's metal in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling
16h15-16h30 (EC) Tommaso Gorni Accurate modeling of FeSe with screened Fock exchange and Hund's metal correlations
Mercredi 25 août matin    
08h45-09h00 (EC) Cécile Grezes Unidirectional spin-Hall magnetoresistance in HgTe topological insulator - ferromagnet heterostructures
09h00-09h15 (EC) Maxen Cosset-Chéneau Spin absorption anisotropy in lateral spin valves
09h15-09h30 (EC) Julian Legendre Magnetic topological kagome systems
09h30-09h45 (EC) Ludovic Jaubert Understanding Reentrance in Frustrated Magnets: the case of Er2Sn2O7 pyrochlore
09h45-10h15 (EI) Yvan Sidis Sr2IrO4 vu par la diffraction des neutrons polarisés
Mercredi 25 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Ekaterina Pärschke Understanding strain-induced changes of magnetic interactions and charge gap in square-lattice iridates
15h30-15h45 (EC) Jonathan Caillaux Pressure induced hole charge transfer in Sr2IrO4
15h45-16h15 (EI) Alex Louat Nature of the pseudogap in Rh doped Sr2IrO4
16h15-16h30 (EC) Dorota Gotfryd How spin-orbital entanglement depends on spin-orbit coupling in a Mott insulator



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