programme détaillé des mini-colloques > CPR5 lnterface at the atomic level: the place for properties and functionnalities to build up?

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CPR5 lnterface at the atomic level: the place for properties and functionnalities to build up?


Organisateurs : Jean-Christophe Le Breton, Francine Solal (Institut de physique de Rennes)
Jeudi 26 août matin    
08h45-09h15 (EI) Philippe SCHIEFFER Electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/SrTiO3(001) interfaces
09h15-09h30 (EC) Florent TOURNUS Epitaxy and interfacial coupling of FeRh nanoparticles deposited on BaTiO3 or SrTiO3 surfaces
09h30-09h45 (EC) Veronique PIERRON-BOHNES Strain relaxation, local concentrations, and dislocations in Fe/Cr trilayers and multilayers grown on MgO and SrTiO3\MgO substrates
09h45-10h00 (EC) Pamela CAMILOS An atomistic study of interface mobility and interdiffusion in Fe/Cr multilayers
10h00-10h15 (EC) Imam MAKHFUDZ Confinement-induced Steady-State Enhancement of Hot Carrier Effect in Quantum Well Solar Cell
Jeudi 26 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Martin BOWEN Building quantum spintronic devices using the ferromagnetic metal /molecule interface
15h30-15h45 (EC) Fatima HUSSAIN On-surface synthesis of polymeric chains through C-S activation
15h45-16h00 (EC) Shuiyan CAO Physique Numérique, Champ Proche & Interfaces de Systèmes Complexes
16h00-16h15 (EC) César JARA Understand the formation of the Ni-based silicide/Si interfaces: a DFT study



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