Min-colloquia Schedule > MMPS28 Pérovskites halogénées pour des applications en opto-electronique

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MMPS28 Pérovskites halogénées pour des applications en opto-electronique


Organisateurs : George Volonakis (U Oxford), Claudio Quarti (UMONS)
Jeudi 26 août matin    
08h45-09h15 (EI) Philippe Tamarat Band-edge exciton fine structure in lead-halide perovskite nanocrystals
09h15-09h45 (EC) Romain Gautier Discovery of Low-Dimensional Hybrid Lead Halides Discovery of Low-Dimensional Hybrid Lead Halides
09h45-10h00 (EC) Bo Peng Tunable photostriction of halide perovskites through energy dependent photoexcitation
09h45-10h15 (EC) Geraud Delport The impact of the local energy landscape on the diffusion of excitons in Ruddlesden- Popper hybrid perovskites flakes
Jeudi 26 août après-midi    
15h00-15h30 (EI) Damien Garrot Photophysics of 3D and 2D Halide Perovskites
15h30-15h45 (EC) Davide Luise Modeling the photophysical properties of Perovskite solar cells interfaces using Density Functional Theory: the case of MAPI/CBA/TiO2
15h45-16h00 (EC) Ashanti Bergonzoni White-light emitting Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites
16h00-16h15 (EC) Emmanuel Lhuiller Pushing Absorption of Perovskite Nanocrystals into the Infrared
16h15-16h30 (EC) Davide Ceratti The importance of proton chemistry in halide perovskites



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